Freesia - The First Soundless Hairdryer Revolutionizing The World Of Hairdressing

The First Soundless Hairdryer Revolutionizing The World Of Hairdressing

By: Sara Khaled Sun, 08 May 2016 05:47:19

For the past 4 years, Dyson has been working on the Dyson Supersonic, which will change the hair drying experience. The sleek design and the technology put into creating such an efficient device cost around £50 million to develop.


A team of 15 motorists worked hard these past years to create the first soundless hairdryer in the world. Its size and weight, which is lighter than the current hairdryers, make it easier to use.


Another important thing that was considered, was how to cause minimal hair damage while using it, thus it was fitted with a glass bead thermistor that checks the temperature 20 times per second to ensure that it doesn’t get too hot.


To come to the main attraction point of the device, its noise levels. How many times have we locked ourselves in the bathroom to dry or straighten our hair without waking up the whole household? Countless of times I’m sure, as I myself have gone through it. Dyson, and his team, finally give us the noiseless hairdryer. Fixing it with 13 blades instead of the usual 11 causes the device to emit a monotone that is inaudible to the human ear.


One cannot go wrong with developing old devices to suit new tastes. The result is always one that we cannot wait to buy as soon as it makes it to the nearest store!


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