Freesia - When Quality Comes Over Quantity.. Its Only ABnG

When Quality Comes Over Quantity.. Its Only ABnG

By: Sherihan Fathy Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:41:55

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but  their inward significance.” Aristotle

On the contrary to current trends, ABn’G store is easily to be recognized by the unique taste of elegance which everybody is looking for. There is a story behind every single piece; it's not only about furniture rather about identity and culture.

Freesia had the pleasure to meet the ABn’G founders Rana El Faramawy, Nahla Boshra and Ahmed Abdalla Elerian and here is their talk of passion about it.

Could you introduce your business and this amazing place to our readers?

Nahla: ABn’G is a design house where we introduce different designs by different artists. ABn’G is divided to several shops: Deana Shaaban, Chairs & Co., Khan Hamza, Vintage Sunglasses/ Eyewear, Krak Baby and today is the soft opening of Bashayer -one of the biggest brands in furniture, ethnic neubin, and Arabian furniture.

Rana: We are 3 partners, each one of us has a different role depending on our strength points. Nahla has the talent of matching the brands together in harmony to look fabulous and attract our client's attention, Ahmed is more towards the power of administration and I am more towards the stuff like business development, finances, marketing and events.

Can you share with us how did you get inspired to start up your business?

Nahla: We got the idea from other countries and other cultures. We were affected by the furniture pieces we’ve seen in the other countries to the extent that we felt we want them in our houses!

Rana: So we’ve decided to import all of these pieces from all over the world and then, Nahla comes to feature them in harmony.

What distinguishes you from the others in the market?

Rana: We are different from others, not only in the Egyptian market but worldwide as we have for example Bashayer -its whole products are completely handmade we have also unique sunglasses for fashionable freaks which you will never find in any other place. We have new surprises every day, you will never come twice to find even the same decoration! Our main concern is quality over quantity and we care about colors, designs and so on.

Ahmed: we don't have a production line we don't deal with factories as we don't have same pieces but most of our products are handmade. Each piece is a master piece for its designer /artist they could spend hours talking about it.

You don't have to be famous to represent your product as long as it has your cultural spirit and represents your gifted talent.

What do you have for future to maintain your success?

Ahmed: we have new surprises monthly and our new collection is in stock now. We also have great plans for the near future too.

Thank you, Freesia team wishes you all the luck and success.


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